Tank maintenance project finalized
At the site in Rotterdam the roof of Tank7 was placed back onto…
Three stainless steel pressure vessels for the project in Ludwigshafen are finalized
The two pressure vessels made by Geldof have been shipped from…
Shipment of 4 cargo tanks completed
On the 18th of October the second phase of project 26650 was…
Geldof successfully renews qualification for Achilles Connexio
Geldof has recently renewed its Achilles Connexio qualification.…
Geldof nominated for ShortSea Shipping Award 2013
The organization ShortSea Shipping Flanders awarded her yearly…
Succesful construction and installation of pre-acidification tank
In this project we built, tested and painted the new tank on…
Mechanical construction and test for liquid ammonia storage tank finalized in just 5 months
The full mechanical construction and testing for the refrigerated…
Start of activities on site for reconstruction storage tank for sulphuric acid
This project concerns a double walled tank for the storage of…
3 silos leaving for Sea invest
We are finalizing the three silos for ABT/Imérys for a project…