1.000.000 thank you’s

Recently, Geldof got to celebrate two spectacular achievements. Not only did we reach the significant milestone of 500 days without any Lost Time Incidents (LTI’s), but a few days later, our organization also managed to clock in 1,000,000 safe working hours. A remarkable accomplishment in an industry where the average frequency degree ranges in the double digits, and workplace accidents are sadly all too common.

But how did Geldof achieve this remarkable feat? Riquet Fieux, SHE Manager, explains: “It all starts with our ‘We care’ message. It’s not just about saying you care, it’s about showing you care. And that requires continuous effort and vigilance regarding safety at every level. It’s not rare for us to see upper management do a safety inspection in our workshop or on one of our construction sites. But above all, this is a testament to the safety dedication of our employees. No matter how many training sessions and LMRA’s you have, no matter how many best practices you institute,  it’s ultimately still our people who have to put theory into practice.”

To thank them for their efforts, we provided a small token of appreciation for all our employees, both white and blue collar. Especially in this colder and darker time of the year, a hat with an integrated LED light will keep them safe from traffic as well as from the cold.

1.000.000 thank you’s to all our employees for their commitment, and here’s to the next milestone!

November 30, 2023