Geldof’s Clean Sweep: Championing Litter-Free Communities!
‘Mooimakers’ is an eco-initiative by the Flemish government aimed at preventing littering and illegal dumping. Recognizing the common interests between their goals and our own ‘We care’ values, Geldof embraced the campaign in 2021 and has been organizing regular litter clean-ups ever since. Thanks to the active participation of our numerous Geldof ‘Mooimakers’ throughout the years, we’ve managed to:
- clean up hundreds of kilograms of litter from the area around our headquarters in Harelbeke,
- expand the clean-up crusade to our Rotterdam office and various project sites, and
- engage meaningfully with the community and have tons of fun in the process.
This week alone, our Harelbeke volunteer squad bagged 76,60 kg of litter! Step by step, we’re making the planet a cleaner, greener place.
A massive shout-out to everyone who’s part of this, especially our QA/QC department for leading this latest charge. Your energy and epic turnout have truly raised the bar for future clean-ups.
Together, let’s keep pushing for a spotless environment. Until next round, stay green, keep it clean!
June 07, 2024