Handling wood pellets with zero dust emission
When handling bulk solids, the creation of dust is an undesirable, yet often seemingly unavoidable result. Taking woody biomass such as wood pellets or chips as an example, dust emission leads to production losses, negatively affects the environment and involves a major safety risk in the form of a potential dust explosion.
Geldof has acquired extensive knowledge in providing effective biomass handling solutions for logistic and utility companies throughout Europe.
Geldof recently installed a dust suppression hopper in the Port of Ghent, Belgium. It has an impressive capacity of 1,000 tons per hour The hopper was especially developed to ensure the safe and clean unloading of wood pellets by grab crane. Employing an innovative design, Geldof succeeded in retaining all dust emissions completely within the product stream. The result is both optimal efficiency and zero dust emission. This concept is applicable to fixed and mobile units with capacities and properties engineered to each individual application. Such installations unequivocally secure Geldof’s proven and enviable record of accomplishment in handling various free-flowing granular products.
It is clear that dust control measures are required for the safe and environmentally appropriate handling processes in all related equipment. This year Geldof realized a turnkey wood pellet handling installation for the Electrabel Gelderland Power plant in the Netherlands. Barges are unloaded pneumatically at this site at the rate of 500 tons per hour via a mobile unit that eliminates dust emissions. The complete circuit—from quay to boiler—uses completely closed conveyer belts, silos, hammer mill and buildings kept at a small under pressure to avoided any possibility for wood dust to escape. It is obviously unavoidable, however, that wood dust is present within the system, Therefore secondary containment measures such as dedusting and fire and explosion protection equipment are in place. All of our realizations are accompanied by all required studies, documents and certification.
Geldof is a leading European supplier of industrial equipment—including turnkey projects—for the storage, handling and processing of bulk solids, liquids and gases. We have an impeccable reputation for excellence in the engineering and realization of dry bulk handling installations, storage tanks, pressure vessels, flue gas treatment and special one-of-a-kind projects. We offer our customers in Europe and other parts of the world A2Z solutions, renowned for their quality, functionality, efficiency and durability.
Geldof is primarily active in the (bio)energy, environmental and oil and gas sectors and also serves a broad range of other industries (construction, mining, steel and metal, bulk food, et cetera). We remain a reliable partner by always placing our customers first. We have consistently distinguished ourselves through our specialized competency, organizational and operational excellence and our value-driven way of using our customers’ specific needs as our principle focus.
August 17th, 2011