Transportation installation for Tiense Suikerraffinaderij almost finalized
On June the 3rd we received the assignment to build a transportation installation for the” Tiense suikerrafinaderij” (a sugar refinery in Belgium). The installation is composed out of 3 conveyor belts and two steel structures.
The first week of June we started the engineering of the project. By the final week of June we started building the installation. One month later the works on site kicked off. As of the 28th of August the conveyor belts are in place and a few days later the installation got wired. This leaves us a few weeks to test the installation.
On the 18th of September the sugar beets will be supplied and the installation needs to be finalized. As of then our installation will be working 7/7 until the end of the campaign at the end of January.
August 28th, 2013