We’re going for gold!

At Geldof, we are truly committed to support the circular economy.
In our latest project, we’re helping our client Aurubis build a state-of-the-art anode sludge processing installation in Beerse, Belgium.

Anode sludge is a valuable intermediate product of electrolytic copper refining produced at the Aurubis recycling sites in both Belgium and Germany.

The new process will enable faster extraction of precious metals such as gold and silver, and the full recovery of tin, from the anode sludge.

Geldof is responsible for designing, as well as constructing the entire unloading and transport installation, a crucial part in this installation.

An exciting challenge in this project will be to fit the entire unloading and transport system into a very limited space, obviously without compromise towards safety and worker comfort.
At Geldof, we don’t back down when the task gets a little challenging.  We’re going for gold !


==> Find out more info about the client and their project.

July 11th, 2023